im sinking.
the air is running low.
the air was low when I jumped in,
and I knew that,
but I ignored the flashing red.
now the flashing red
is a siren screaming.
luckily i'm underwater
and the further I sink,
the less I can hear it
yelling at me.
"run," it tries to warn me.
but again,
I saw the warning signs
before I jumped feet first into
the blue,
my suit on,
and the tank on my back.
did I listen then?
why should I listen now?
the only thing keeping
me alive is this tank.
but the pressure is
getting to it.
there's nowhere to run.
there's open space everywhere,
yet nowhere safe to turn.
no matter how much space
there is between me & the
the flashing red and loud
siren will stay with me.
until suddenly,
the siren stops.
the light turns off.
the water around me becomes dark.
I can't run away & swim upward,
or else my lungs will explode.
but if I stay here underwater,
i'll suffocate.
do I run & damage myself further?
or do I just let go,
and fill my lungs with water?