it's funny how growing up
means realizing
your parents are your best friends.
it's funny how growing up
means realizing
your parents know what's best.
not just when it comes to
decision making,
or living an adult life,
or the best way to make a grilled cheese.
no, it's when it comes to
seeing who has your best interest,
& who deserves to be in your life,
because your parents
know when someone isn't
a good fit.
it's when you're
down on your luck
& absolutely unable to
see a future,
so they take over the view
until you're able to see it
for yourself again.
it's when you need guidance.
it's when you need a hug,
a shoulder to cry on,
someone to make you laugh.
it's funny how I never realized
my parents are my best friends.
I guess it just took growing up
to realize it.
Mom & Dad, I love you.