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Writer's pictureErin

Hello September

Updated: Apr 9, 2024

Hello September,

Oh, have I missed you. I missed the breezy, cool mornings where sweaters are a must, mornings that then turn into a warm day where peeling off that sweater is the only way to feel comfortable by three in the afternoon. I missed the already slowly color changing leaves on the trees around me. Most importantly, though, I missed the way September makes me feel. September, as silly as it may sound, brings me the most hope. September makes me feel the most me. I feel safe, and calm, and overall serene during the month of September. Some of my favorite things happen this month, for starters, it's okay weather wise to wear jeans and a hoodie without boiling from the inside out. Then on the 21st, the Mothman Festival takes place in beautiful Point Pleasant, West Virginia. It's the time before Halloween where the weirdos come out of hiding, dressed as mythical characters such as the Mothman, Big Foot, and the like, as well as cosplaying as Star Wars characters and the Chucky Doll. It makes me feel extremely at home. This year, I'm planning on attending the Weekend of the Spirits, where everyone will be getting spooky with tarot readings and ouija boards.

It was a long wait for September to arrive, and I'm so glad it finally did.


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